Inauguratation of the county alcoholic control committees in Ol’Kalou

We face an existential threat against a generation, and that’s why the war against illicit liquor is one with only one outcome – a total win over, and eradication of the killer brews, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has stated.
Speaking this morning when he inaugurated county alcoholic control committees in Ol’Kalou, Governor Badilisha was unequivocal in his resolve to weed out unregulated liqour and selling joints: “Nyandarua will be an example of how to save lives from killer merchants and profiteers. And this war isn’t simple or one of quick gains; it is long and requires holistic approach, including mitigative interventions targeting our youth and those most susceptible to alcohol and drugs abuse.”
The County Head further directed strict enforcement of the law adding that “this is a historic opportunity for each one of us called upon to provide leadership. And no one is immune from this law and all its attendant regulations.”
Present were the County Commissioner Mr. Abdirisack Jaldesa, County Speaker Hon. Stephen Waiganjo, several CECMs and a host of other leaders