
About Nyandarua County

Nyandarua County is located in the Central Region of Kenya, formerly Central Province with its Headquarters located in Ol Kalou. Ol’Kalou, the County headquarters, is situated about 150 Kilometers North West of Nairobi.

The County is headed by H.E. Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie. The County is a member of the Central Region Economic Bloc (CeREB). The block has ten Counties as members.

Nyandarua County covers an area of 3,245.2 Square KMs lying between latitude 0°8’ to the North and 0°50’ to the south and between 35°13’ East and 36°42’ west. It is divided into ve Sub-Counties namely:




4 wards : Leshau/Pondo, Kiriita, Central, Shamata

Sub County / Wards


5 wrds : Karau, Kanjuire Ridge,Mirangine, Kaimbaga, Rurii

Oljoro orok

4 wards: Gathanji, Gatimu, Weru, Charagita


4 Wards: Wanjohi, Kipipiri, Geta, Githioro


8 Wards: Engineer, Gathara, North Kinangop, Murungaru, Njabini/Kibiru, Nyakio, Magumu, Githabai

The proposed County Headquarter office which is under construction.

According to the 2019 census report, the County has a population of 638,289 with 49.3% male and 50.6% female. The youth constitutes 32% of the population. The County has a population density of 194 per km2. About 89.6% of the population lives in rural areas. The elderly population (over 65year-old) make up 6.8% of the total population and the school-going age group (4-22 years) is 43.6%.

The major economic activities in the County include farming, agroforestry, tourism, and trade. Agriculture is the backbone of Nyandarua’s economy due to the fertile soils and favourable climate. The County is considered the food basket of Kenya because of its high production of horticulture, oriculture, and milk for the local and global market.

Nyandarua County Gross County Product (GCP) accounted for 3.3 per cent of the total Kenya Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as of 2017. As per the KNBS report, the County was the 6th contributor to the National GDP with a GCP of 4,896 million USD. As per the IMF report 2018, the County’s GCP is equivalent to the GDP of Barbados.
The GCP increased from Ksh. 87,532 million in 2013 to Ksh. 245,203 million in 2017 representing an average annual growth rate of 36%. The agriculture sector contributed 85.4% of GCP while services and other industries share constituted 13%, and 1.0%, respectively. The services sector includes such activities as wholesale and retail trade.