Preparation of Nyandarua's County Valuation roll

With the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Digital Land Governance Programme, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie embarks on preparation of Nyandarua’s County Valuation roll, a vital tool towards optimal utilization of land resources and generation of related revenues for sustainable development.
According to County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Development Hon. Stephen Kinyanjui, a valuation roll is due every 10 years, rendering the current one obsolete since it was last prepared in 2000 by the defunct Nyandarua County Council.
Once enacted, the roll is projected to raise KShs. 60 million in revenue with a steady increase of 5 per cent each Financial Year.
Present was County Secretary and Head of Public Service Hon. Frank K. Muchina and Chief Officer for Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Development Mr. Julius Ngambi.
The County Assembly was represented by chairperson of the Land’s Committee Hon. Thuo Gachino (Kanjuiri Ridge Ward), alongside members Hon.Mwangi Nyaga (Kaimbaga Ward),Hon. Daniel Gitau (Ol’Kalou Ward) and Hon. Ibrahim Maina (Murungaru Ward).