Functions of County Governments

(1) A county government shall be responsible for any function assigned to it under the Constitution or by an Act of Parliament.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), a county government shall be responsible for ––
(a) county legislation in accordance with Article 185 of the Constitution;
(b) exercising executive functions in accordance with Article 183 of the Constitution;
(c) functions provided for in Article 186 and assigned in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution;
(d) any other function that may be transferred to county governments from the national government under Article 187 of the Constitution;
(e) any functions agreed upon with other county governments under Article 189 (2) of the Constitution; and
(f) establishment and staffing of its public service as contemplated under Article 235 of the Constitution.
(3) A county government may seek assistance from the Kenya Law Reform Commission in the development or reform of county legislation under subsection 2(a).

County Government Act 2012
