Brief about FLLoCA Program

Financing Locally-Led Climate Action (FLLoCA) is a 5 years Government of Kenya program jointly supported by the Government of Kenya, World Bank and other Donors aimed at delivering locally-led climate resilience actions and strengthening county and national governments’ capacity to manage climate risk.

Objectives of the Program

  1. Strengthen the capacity of county level institutions and stakeholders at local level especially the Ward Climate Change Planning Committees (WCCPCs) at the ward level to accelerate climate.
  2. To support community led local initiatives for enhanced community resilience and enhance sustainable
  3. To increase access to green/environmentally friendly technologies to deliver low carbon climate resilient development within the county.
  4. Enhance transparency and accountability on support provided and actions implemented
  5. Support the development and strengthen policy, legal and regulatory frameworks at the county level for accelerated access to climate financing for building resilience at local level

The FLLoCA Program is being implemented by the National Treasury through the Program Implementation Unit (NTPIU) and the County Government through the County Climate Change Unit (CCCU)

The purpose of Internal Audit is to assist the County Government of Nyandarua in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes

Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is established to; address community grievances and concerns in relation to FLLoCA Program, ensure transparency and accountability throughout the implementation of projects and programmes amongst the relevant stakeholders including project beneficiaries, resolve any emerging environmental and social grievances in project areas and to promote relations between the project implementers, executers and beneficiaries.

The GRM further aims to enhance citizens’/beneficiaries’ ownership and participation in the project, and serves as important feedback and learning mechanism that can help improve the project outcomes. Below are the steps grievance reporting and resolving grievances.


The mandate encompasses budgeting, expenditure management, financial reporting, risk management, and compliance with financial regulations.


If you have a concern or complain about the project implementation Visit or make a phone call or e-mail or SMS the respective ward-level GRM Committee for clarification and/or response to your concerns. Your complaint will be logged into the GR Log register and resolved.socio-economic development at the county level.


If not satisfied with the resolution at step1, you can escalate the issue to the GRM Focal person at County Climate Change Unit. socio-economic development at the county level.

Name: Daniel Nyongo


Phone: 0723989739

Location: County Water and Environment offices Ol’Kalou


If not satisfied with the resolution at step 2, you can escalate the issue to the FLLOCA National Project Coordinating Unit (PCU).

Name:Julius Barno


Phone: 0721930086

Location: Reinsurance Plaza, Nairobi.

socio-economic development at the county level.

If not satisfied with the solutions given to the complaints, appeal to the court of law and the judicial system.

You may send an SMS or CALL or EMAIL or WALK-IN to the said offices.

The complaints will be logged into the Grievance Management register, acknowledged within specified timeframe, reviewed and response provided/remedial measures taken, monitored and reported

