Directorate of Economic Planning and Development

The Directorate is responsible for the coordination of proper and participatory identification, allocations and implementation of projects and programmes by the County Government as well as coordinating the tracking, collation and dissemination of results arising from the implementation of the county plans. This rolls out and implements the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework for the County.

Internal audit

The Internal Audit unit was established in accordance with Section 155 (1) of Public Financial Management Act, (No. 18 of 2012) of the Laws of Kenya. Section 155 (1) of the PFM Act states, “A county government entity shall ensure that it complies with this Act and has appropriate arrangements for conducting internal audit according to the guidelines issued by the Accounting Standards Board.”

The purpose of Internal Audit is to assist the County Government of Nyandarua in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes


The finance diretorate play a crucial role in managing the financial resources and ensuring effective financial management. The directorate play a critical role in managing financial resources, ensuring fiscal discipline, and promoting transparency and accountability in financial management.
The mandate encompasses budgeting, expenditure management, financial reporting, risk management, and compliance with financial regulations.

Revenue Collection

The revenue directorate play a vital role in ensuring the financial sustainability and development of the county.
Its mandate includes identifying revenue sources, managing collection mechanisms, enforcing tax compliance, monitoring revenue collection, and providing accurate reporting and analysis.
The directorate play a vital role in ensuring the financial sustainability and development of the county. The directorate mandate includes identifying revenue sources, managing collection mechanisms, enforcing tax compliance, monitoring revenue collection, and providing accurate reporting and analysis.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

 ICT (Information and Communication Technology) directorate main mandate promoting the use of technology to enhance service delivery, improve governance, and drive economic development at the county level. ICT directorate play a crucial role in leveraging technology to improve governance, enhance service delivery, and promote
socio-economic development at the county level.