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Ongoing works along Kagongo A Road in Kagongo village, Kipipiri Ward

Ongoing works along Kagongo A Road in Kagongo village, Kipipiri Ward

Inspectionof the ongoing works along Kagongo A Road in Kagongo village, Kipipiri Ward, Kipipiri Sub-County....

Rehabilitation and maintenance the following feeder roads in Gatimu Ward

Rehabilitation and maintenance the following feeder roads in Gatimu Ward

Rehabilitation and maintenance the following feeder roads in Gatimu Ward. The works include gravelling, grading and compaction as part of the Countyâ€...

Free maize seeds for planting during this rainy season

Free maize seeds for planting during this rainy season

Over 3,600 households in Wanjohi Ward, Kipipiri Sub-County, have this afternoon received free maize seeds for planting during this rainy season from H...

Inspection of the newly-opened Munyeki Dispensary Road in Karau Ward

Inspection of the newly-opened Munyeki Dispensary Road in Karau Ward

CECM for Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy Hon. Cecilia Kirira inspects the newly-opened Munyeki Dispensary Road in Karau Ward, Ol’...

The ongoing construction of a modern bridge in Kedowa-Manyatta

The ongoing construction of a modern bridge in Kedowa-Manyatta

Infrastructure development that connects our people and opens up our county, making it a conducive place to do business, and enabling our producers ac...

Ongoing construction of the Mashujaa Complex at the J.M Kariuki Memorial County Referral Hospital in Ol’Kalou Sub-County.

Ongoing construction of the Mashujaa Complex at the J.M Kariuki Memorial County Referral Hospital in Ol’Kalou Sub-County.

Inspection the ongoing construction of the Mashujaa Complex at the J.M Kariuki Memorial County Referral Hospital in Ol’Kalou Sub-County....

Munyeki-Gachwe-Kirimaini bridge

Munyeki-Gachwe-Kirimaini bridge

A modern bridge connecting Munyeki-Gachwe-Kirimaini is at an advanced stage of completion. ...

The on-going construction of the Nyandarua County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP) at the ATC in Njabini

The on-going construction of the Nyandarua County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP) at the ATC in Njabini

The on-going construction of the Nyandarua County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP) at the Agriculture Training Center in Njabini...

Elevation of Ndaragwa Sub-County Hospital to a Level Four facility

Elevation of Ndaragwa Sub-County Hospital to a Level Four facility

Elevation of Ndaragwa Sub-County Hospital to a Level Four facility...

The new Gachwe-Kirimaini road

The new Gachwe-Kirimaini road

Huge sigh of relief for residents of Karau Ward, Ol’Kalou Sub-County, as His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie opens up the new Ga...

Rehabilitation of feeder roads in Kipipiri Ward

Rehabilitation of feeder roads in Kipipiri Ward

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie rehabilitates a...

Rehabilitates of feeder roads in Rurii Ward

Rehabilitates of feeder roads in Rurii Ward

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy’s County Machinery Program, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badi...

Diagnostic assessment of Kandutura Primary School’s borehole pump

Diagnostic assessment of Kandutura Primary School’s borehole pump

Chief Officer for Water and Sanitation Mr. Francis Kibuika oversees the diagnostic assessment of Kandutura Primary School’s borehole pump, Ol’Kalo...

Rehabilitation of feeder roads in Njambini Ward

Rehabilitation of feeder roads in Njambini Ward

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie continues to reh...

Construction of the Rumathi box culvert in Rumathi village, Kaimbaga Ward

Construction of the Rumathi box culvert in Rumathi village, Kaimbaga Ward

County road engineers led by Director of Roads and Transport Mr. Samuel Mugi inspect ongoing construction of the Rumathi box culvert in Rumathi villag...

Opening up of main roads

Opening up of main roads

We will open up every inch of our villages, towns and connect each home to the main roads as well as improve connectivity for our farmers, His Excelle...

ICT and Digital skills training programme

ICT and Digital skills training programme

The ICT and Digital skills training programme jointly run by the County Government of Nyandarua and Huawei is entering a critical phase with the last ...