Agricultural Mechanization Services (AMS)

We’ve resourced and expanded our Agricultural Mechanization Services (AMS) to ensure that the cost of farm production goes down while at the same adopting modern and soil-friendly tilling techniques, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has told county farmers.
“Make use of our tools in both Oljoroorok and Njabini units; we’ve also established the Machinery Ring to create a database of available farm implements within a locality. In addition, our extension officers are available to assist in deploying the best farming technology that doesn’t deplete soils,” Governor Badilisha added during a Farmers’ Field Day at Ndemi, Wanjohi ward.
Improvement of agriculture value chain – from inputs – including provision of subsidy fertilizer and seeds, extension services, crops and livestock management, cold storage facilities and value addition, and eventually market linkages, is one priority area under the Change Manifesto. Realization if this, as witnessed, has taken a multi-disciplinary approach involving other departments like roads (linkages and access), trade (markets and market linkages), environment (climate smart solutions), among others.
Present were CECM Hon. Francis Miring’u, MCAs Hon. Isaac Kung’u, Hon. Paul Ngeche and Hon. Isaac Mbae, among other senior officials.