ICT and Digital skills training programme
The ICT and Digital skills training programme jointly run by the County Government of Nyandarua and Huawei is entering a critical phase with the last cohort of trainees undergoing skilling in Miharati, Kipipiri subcounty.
The programme, conceptualized early this year during a meeting between His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha and the international telecoms organization, seeks to digitally train and empower youth with the aim of creating employment. The first training was successfully conducted in Oljororok where over 100 youth were equipped with digital skills. A similar number is undergoing training in Kipipiri in a programme earmarked to proceed for four weeks.
Briefing Governor Badilisha on the progress so far, Maureen Mwaniki, Director Public Affairs Huawei, accompanied by Ian Korir, and Chief Officer ICT Peris Mwangi, expressed appreciation for the successful partnership. The trained cohorts will graduate during the International Youth Day.
“Let’s do this for our youth and escalate this programme to even more deserving among our society. The future is digital,” the Governor stated.