Maintenance and rehabilitation of roads in Mirangine Ward, Ol’Kalou Sub-County

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie maintains and rehabilitates roads in Mirangine Ward, Ol’Kalou Sub-County, including:
1. Musa-Ndungu Catholic Church Road in Mwawo village;
2. Mathakwa Centre-Kamuchege Road in Mathakwa village;
3. Makutano Centre-Mbora Primary Road in Makutano village;
4. Redhill Section-Kwa Haraka village;
5. Redhill-Kwa Haraka Road in Kwa Haraka village;
6. Gwa Kiongo-Riverside Road in Githima village;
The Redhill section had been eroded by storm water, leaving huge gulleys and trenches that would often cause accidents.
Under the County Machinery Program, the Governor is working to ensure roads in Nyandarua’s 25 wards are motorable to ease the movement of people, goods and services.