
To be the champion of youth empowerment in the county.


To continuously empower the youth through involvement in Government operations, Capacity building and issuance of equipment’s to enhance economic Development


To continuously empower the youth to enhance economic Development


  1. Empower the youth through the issuance of self-employment equipment.
  2. Develop strategic plans for the youth directorate;
  • Develop youth-friendly programs;
  1. Formulate policies to guide youth groups management;
  2. Train youth on various programmes;
  3. Develop linkages with stakeholders involved in youth affairs;
  • Develop plans on inter and intra-county youth involvement.

Community Resources

Youth Centres (Olkalou, Njabini, Miharati)



  1. What is the criteria followed for youth groups to benefit from empowerment equipment? They submit their proposal to the department where vetting is done and awarding is made based on merit.
  2. Which avenues do you have for communication? In the county websites and all social media platforms
  3. Does the government give money instead of equipment?

No, the department issues equipment to groups as a way of empowerment

  1. Apart from the issuance of empowerment equipment what other services does the directorate offer? The directorate organizes training on various thematic areas like career guidance, drug and substance abuse, entrepreneurial skills and many others.
  2. Do you offer attachment/ internship opportunities? Yes
  3. How many times does the department issue Youth with equipment? Every financial year.