Preparations for the county spatial plan

Preparations for the county spatial plan are at an advanced stage following the presentation of a progress report to His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha.

It is time the dream of our people to have their own university is realized

It is time the dream of our people to have their own university is realized by finalizing on the remaining last steps including granting of a charter, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has told the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Hon. Ezekiel Machogu.

Consultations towards the establishment of Nyandarua’s inaugural food safety bill and policy

Consultations towards the establishment of Nyandarua’s inaugural food safety bill and policy under the Dutch-funded CAtalyzing Strengthened policy aCtion for heAlthy Diets and resiliencE (CASCADE) project.

Don’t shy away from seeking support for mental health

His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie has urged County residents not to shy away from seeking support for mental health.

Training and accreditation of veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals

All stakeholders have a responsibility to ensure that the veterinary sector is rid-off quacks and unregulated personnel to ensure that animal and human health is not compromised, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has told a workshop on certification and regulation taking place in Ol’Kalou.

You’re an important cog in actualizing our development objectives – Gov. Badilisha to county staff

You’re an important cog in actualizing our development objectives – Gov. Badilisha to county staff YOU’RE AN IMPORTANT COG IN ACTUALIZING OUR DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES – GOV. BADILISHA TO COUNTY STAFF […]

Distribution of 345 water tanks across 14 villages in Central Ward.

Elderly and other vulnerable residents of 14 villages in Central Ward, Ndaragwa Sub-County are this evening a jubilant lot after receiving 345 water tanks from His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie, each with a capacity of 500 litres.

Opening up of new roads in Central Ward, Ndaragwa Sub-County

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie has today opened new roads in Central Ward, Ndaragwa Sub-County.

Governors meeting the Senate Committees on Finance and Budgeting at Parliament buildings

o fast track completion of jointly-financed projects at the county level, the National Government should allocate money to counties and ring-fence the same as conditional grants, this was the proposal submitted by Governors meeting the Senate Committees on Finance and Budgeting at Parliament buildings.

101st Ushirika Day Celebrations in Ndaragwa Sub-County

101st Ushirika Day Celebrations in Ndaragwa Sub-County, during which His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie hailed Nyandarua’s vibrant co-operative movement for its role in reviving the County’s economy.