Fact-finding and assessment of the impact of devolution in the country

His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has this morning hosted a delegation from the Commission for Revenue Allocation (CRA) which is in the county for fact finding and assessment of the impact of devolution in the country.

ICT and Digital skills training programme

The ICT and Digital skills training programme jointly run by the County Government of Nyandarua and Huawei is entering a critical phase with the last cohort of trainees undergoing skilling in Miharati, Kipipiri subcounty.

Embracing modern technologies through innovation and digitization

To help bolster students’ training in ICT at their early stages of education, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha this afternoon joined other leaders in a colorful and successful programme aimed at supporting Karagoine Secondary school establish a modern ICT laboratory.

Ongoing interventions to close the digital gap for youth in Nyandarua’s 25 wards.

Over 200 young people interested in technology will benefit from free training organized by His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie in partnership with Huawei Technologies at the Kipipiri Sub-County police headquarters.

Transfer of the Ol’Kalou library to the County Government by the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS)

His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie has marshalled his administration for the complete unbundling of all devolved functions.

Issuance of wheelchairs to children and adults living with disability

Through the Department of Education, Children, Gender Affairs, Culture and Social Services His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie has partnered with the Nanyuki-based Walkabout Foundation to issue wheel chairs to children and adults living with disability.

Nyandarua County Education Day

His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses Kiarie Badilisha has asked education stakeholders gathered for the Nyandarua County Education day to look at students’ performance as not just “mere mathematical statistics of marks, positions and numbers” but see them as an issue of impact to the future of our children.

Maintenance  and rehabilitation of  roads in Mirangine Ward, Ol’Kalou Sub-County

Through the Department of Public Works, Roads, Transport, Housing and Energy, His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie maintains and rehabilitates roads in Mirangine Ward, Ol’Kalou Sub-County,

The Nyandarua County Heifer Project

The Nyandarua County Heifer Project was successfully launched in the second ward – North Kinangop, where 120 dairy cows were issued to organized groups.

Reclaiming Lake Olbolossat under the Wetland Restoration Programme

Reclaiming lake Olbolossat under the Wetland Restoration Programme – a joint initiative of the National and County governments.