
To make Nyandarua County a dynamic, Vibrant and transformed Centre for the development of arts and dance.


To promote, and spearhead the development of Nyandarua County’s arts industry as a contributor to economic growth. 


To identify, nature, Develop and promote Arts talents in Nyandarua     County.


  1. Coach and mentor, talented artists.
  2. Promote the county as a hub for film and TV production.
  • Training artists on entrepreneurial skills
  1. Popularize performing Arts in the County
  2. Recommend Artists to perform in National Celebrations.
  3. Develop policies and guidelines to enhance Arts development in the County.
  • Act as a link between Artists and development partners.

Community Resources

Nyandarua County Studio


  1. Is recording free of charge?

Yes, the directorate does not charge for recording, mentoring, coaching, identifying or marketing Artists.

  1. Does the government market the artists’ works?

Yes, the directorate invites artists to perform in county functions and talent search events

  1. Is there an age limit for who can benefit from the service?

No, anyone with talent can benefit from our services.

  1. Does the government give money to artists to market their works?


  1. Do you offer attachment/ internship opportunities? Yes.
  2. What kind of trainings do you offer to Artists?

We offer trainings on; Vocals, instrument, copyright, dance, Film production, stage performance, recording, enterprenuaral skills and many others.