Functions and responsibilities of a County Governor

1) The governor shall take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation as set out in the Schedule to this Act before assuming office.

(2) Subject to the Constitution, the governor shall –

(a) diligently execute the functions and exercise the authority provided for in the Constitution and legislation;

(b) perform such State functions within the county as the President may from time to time assign on the basis of mutual consultations;

(c) represent the county in national and international fora and events;

(d) appoint, with the approval of the county assembly, the county executive committee in accordance with Article 179(2)(b) of the Constitution;

(e) constitute the county executive committee portfolio structure to respond to the functions and competencies assigned to and transferred to each county;

(f) submit the county plans and policies to the county assembly for approval;

(g) consider, approve and assent to bills passed by the county assembly;

(h) chair meetings of the county executive committee;

(i) by a decision notified in the county gazette,

County Government Act, 2012